Application & Tuition Fees



All applicants to the University of Lethbridge must pay a non-refundable application processing fee, see the applicable calendar section below:

Undergraduate Graduate

**According to university policy, the above application fees will not be waived for any future student, under any circumstances

**For those applicants that are unable to pay the associated application fee via credit card, please contact the uLethbridge Admissions & Transfer unit ( for alternate ways to pay



Those applicants who have been deemed to be ELIGIBLE for admission into their respective uLethbridge credential program (or "readmission", for those previously admitted students who are returning back to the university to resume their academic studies from an absence), will be prompted to pay a non-refundable tuition deposit in order to both accept the university's offer and subsequently secure their institutional enrollment as a soon-to-be "active student". The corresponding non-refundable tuition deposits can be found in the applicable calendar section below (contingent on individual student's current residency status and may be subject to change in future years):

Undergraduate Graduate

Instructions on how to both accept one's admission offer as well as pay the corresponding tuition deposit to the university, will be detailed within the new admit's provided application package, specifically within the Confirmation of Admission (COA) letter.



UNDERGRADUATE TUITION - any program, major, admission route, and campus - will always be assessed in direct proportion to the number of courses that the admitted student registers themselves in, per semester


GRADUATE TUITION will be assessed in relation to the individual graduate program sought


**Tuition fees at uLethbridge are only expected to be paid by admitted students, one-semester-at-a-time.

**In contrast with undergraduate tuition, graduate tuition on the other hand will not differ by campus (i.e. Both Lethbridge-based and Calgary-based graduate students will be assessed the exact same fee values as each other, with respect to their individual program of enrollment)

**Regardless of academic-level or individual program, tuition will never be assessed on whole programs as fees can always be subject to annual change, as authorized by the uLethbridge Board of Governors.



It is recommended for students to anticipate budgeting an additional ~$125 CAD or so, PER COURSE for textbooks, as these costs are to be factored in on-top of tuition (I.e. textbooks are technically an extra expense to the student)

  • Some books might cost more, some might cost less, some courses might use multiple textbooks, while some courses might use no textbook at all
  • Textbook prices are determined by the given title's respective publisher, while the overarching use of and quantity of textbooks needed for class learning purposes is determined by the individual uLethbridge course instructor

**All students are to be additionally mindful of and personally responsible for any other, non-compulsory costs which may be incurred by them upon their successful admittance into any University of Lethbridge program or campus (e.g. textbooks/course materials, transportation expenses, living accommodations for relocating students, etc.)

  • Pre-Departure Guide for Calgary-bound International Students (link) > See the "How much will my tuition and living expenses be in Calgary?" tab