Centre for Culture and Community

Centre for Culture and Community


The Centre for Culture and Community (CCC) serves as a resource for University of Lethbridge faculty and community partners engaged in cultural and community-based studies and creative activity.


The CCC's mission is to facilitate mutually beneficial university-community collaboration and resource-sharing with respect to social science and humanities research, creative activity, and outreach focused primarily, though not exclusively, on Lethbridge and Southern Alberta.

Objectives & Activities

The CCC will provide opportunities and resources to facilitate the integration of ideas and community driven issues, of persons and teams, and of communications networks and knowledge-based activities, to enhance the mission of our University and the lives of those in our surrounding communities.

The Centre provides a democratic network for scholarly and creative interchange in support of cultural and community studies and community engagement. It facilitates resource-sharing, and synergies of expertise and experience. It also provides opportunities for learning and debate in an environment of mutual respect, support, and accountability. The CCC facilitates the study of communities and their cultures, models community in its own practice, fosters interchange between communities, both academic and non-academic, and promotes academic and public interest in cultural and community based research, creative activity, and education.

Summary of objectives:

  • To promote cultural and community studies, and awareness of research methods appropriate to such studies
  • To facilitate awareness of and access to University and community-based resources for research and creative projects
  • To facilitate co-operation within and across disciplines and faculties
  • To facilitate community engagement, co-operative partnerships between university and community, and linkages between community action, academic research, and projects in the fine arts
  • To foster community-based participatory research and educational opportunities