Endowment Fund, FISCAL PERIOD APRIL 1, 2023 – MARCH 31, 2024
The University of Lethbridge Endowment fund is an investment fund that combines multiple donor endowments together, creating a larger and more diversified investment portfolio in support of the University’s programs and students.
Endowed gifts to the University are invested in perpetuity. A portion of the income earned on these investments is allocated on an annual basis to support the designation defined by the donor. Types of support include: 
  • Scholarships, bursaries and awards  
  • Funding academic expenses  
  • Funding Chairs and professorships  
  • Funding research, athletics and Facilities 
Your endowed donation to ULethbridge is a gift that creates promising futures for students and a brighter tomorrow for our communities. 


$104.3 MILLION

in portfolio investments restricted for endowments
Endowment restricted investments represent contributions from donors and the University that are required to be maintained intact and in perpetuity.

abstact circular frame with one smiling college girl


in match funds pledged by the Board of Governors for the establishment of new endowed student scholarships


recorded in new endowment contributions from donors from April 1, 2023 - March 31, 2024
Endowments consist of contributions which are invested to produce returns in support of annual scholarships and program spending.



The ULethbridge endowment is managed by external investment managers in accordance with the University's investment Management Policy and is monitored by the Finance Committee of the Board of Governors.

Graph depicting endowment growth VS inflation



For more information on the ULethbridge Endowment fund, download this information package or read our full endowment management policy.


University of Lethbridge
4401 University Drive W
Lethbridge AB T1K 3M4


abstact circular frame showing smiling college girl with dark skin enjoying the outdoors