Some shore birds we photographed in East Africa
Black-winged Stilt

— unlike Pied Avocet it has a straight beak

one of East Africa's common water birds

— found on most lakes, around waterholes and on the edges of marshes

Blacksmith Lapwing (Plover)

— found with cattle and other large animals - catches the insects

— name derives from the repeated metallic 'tink, tink, tink' alarm call

— expanded in 20th century where dams & intensive farming - displacing waders

Black Crake

— crakes have short bills

— uses it’s long toes to avoid sticking in mud

— likes freshwater wetlands, swamps, marshes, well-vegetated rivers, lakes, and ponds

Crowned Plover

— live where no vegetation to conceal them

— eggs are colored depending on the birds habitat

— highly-developed ability to detect potential predators

— dive-bomb any intruders screeching loudly to frighten them away

— gregarious - sometimes forming large flocks of up to thirty birds or more

Kittlitz’s Plover

— found in much of sub-Saharan Africa, Madagascar, and the Nile delta

— forages for food on open dry mud and short grass, usually close to water

— calls any intruder and feigns a broken wing until far enough from the nest - then flies off

Long-toed Plover

— also known as the Long-toed Lapwing

— eats insects, invertebrates and small crustaceans

— with long toes can walk across water lilies and other water-plants in order to forage

Pied Avocet
Note: this one is not headless

— named after black cap, worn by European lawyers

— became extinct in Great Britain in the mid-19th century

— later, successful re-colonisation in Britain in the 1940s

— foraging - they sweep their bills from side to side in water

Common Sandpiper

— forages by sight on the ground or in shallow water

— breeds across most of Europe and Asia - migrates to Africa

Wood Sandpiper

— its feeding method varies

— sometimes eats small fish and frogs

— it can take flying insects from the air

— occasionally supplements its diet with seeds

— mostly seen picking insects from the water surface or probing mud

Beasts 1
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Day 6
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Day 21
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Day 17
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Hawks & Eagles
Beasts 3
Day 3
Day 8
Day 13
Day 18
Day 23
Herons & Storks
Beasts 4
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Day 9
Day 14
Day 19
Day 24
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