EleV: Taking flight together
Building educational and employment pathways for Indigenous youth
EleV creates educational opportunities and supports for Blackfoot youth. With an aim to increase employment and economic development in Blackfoot communities, EleV is an innovative partnership between the Blackfoot Confederacy, the MasterCard Foundation and ULethbridge.
EleV initiatives
Post-secondary education transition
EleV improves transitions to post-secondary, increases student success at ULethbridge and expands work-integrated learning opportunities, through initiatives such as:
- Co-op placements
- Entrepreneurship supports
- Employment opportunities
- Economic development initiatives for Blackfoot communities
Support for Blackfoot youth
EleV develops initiatives for youth, including:
- Delivering educational programming in Blackfoot communities
- Creating opportunities for youth and students to participate in activities at the University
- Helping additional Blackfoot and Indigenous students attend ULethbridge through the Indigenous Student Success Certificate
Taking Flight Together with EleV: Featuring alumna Sarah Russell (BFA '19)
The EleV Navigators, Iksisstowaapi Kanakkaatsi
EleV has forged connections with Blackfoot political leadership and the team has built strong relationships within the Kainai Nation, Piikani Nation and Siksika Nation to provide education and employment support for prospective and current students.
Our Navigators were honoured with a Blackfoot name by Elder Francis First Charger to set their paths forward in a good way when they are in the community. The name, Iksisstowaapi Kanakkaatsi (Going All Out Society) [ig-sis-tow-ah-ph gah-na-gaat-see], encompasses the enthusiasm the Navigators have and reflects how they work together as a family to support their mission and goals in their respective communities.
The EleV Navigator Team enhances opportunities for authentic relationship-building. The Navigators provide in-community support services and communication to guide Blackfoot learners along their education and career pathways.
Grounded in Indigenous Ways of Knowing and Learning (IWKL), our Navigators act as community liaisons, advisors and co-creators helping Blackfoot youth and students find success.
Working in Kainai, Piikani and Siksika, our education navigators strive to improve Indigenous student academic success, while our employment navigators assist the student-to-prospective-employee-transition. Two navigators, one employment and one education, are the liaisons in each of the Blackfoot Nation Confederacy communities.
Designed by renowned Blackfoot artist and illustrator Api’soomaahka (Running Coyote), William Singer III, the logo signifies the Elders who are guiding and navigating through the Blackfoot worldview, utilizing all the stories and lessons to teach the younger generation to carry on the knowledge.
The 7 stars (Big Dipper), the bunched stars (Pleiades), the Wolf Trail and the Morning Star remind us of our origins and the connection to the cosmos.
Meet the EleV team

Shanda Webber (BA '05), Naamoipiiksii (Hummingbird)
Director, Iniskim Indigenous Relations

Jill Chief Calf (BA '12), Aakohpoisskiiaakii (Face Painted Many Times Woman)
Education Navigator, Kainai Nation

Deserae Yellow Horn (BASc '17), Akikinakii

Verona White Cow (BA '13, MBA '21)
Employment Navigator, Piikani Nation &
Career Bridge: Niitsitapi Centre of Excellence in Work-Integrated Learning
Phone: 403-634-0790

Darrell Daniels (BA ’23), Amiikstamik (Iron Bull)
Education Navigator, Siksika Nation
Looking forward
As the EleV program continues, we will allocate funds to support access to post-secondary education, student success and financial supports, education and training aligned with Blackfoot community needs, employment and economic development opportunities, work-integrated learning and more.
Blackfoot Nations and the University of Lethbridge will work collaboratively to ensure the program meets the unique needs of Blackfoot youth and communities.