Font families and use standards

The type we use helps to convey the personality of our brand.

To download our brand fonts, follow the links below or contact to have IT install them for you.

Open Sans

Primary institutional font family

A sans serif font good for headings and body text.

Note: Condensed versions of the font are not considered part of the brand.

Get Open Sans

Open Sans regular

Open Sans regular italic

Open Sans bold

Open Sans bold italic

Open Sans thin
Open Sans thin italic


Bebas Neue

Primary font family for heading text

This is an all-caps font. If you need lowercase, use Oswald.

For print, use at size 24pt or higher.

Get Bebas Neue

Bebas regular



A sans serif font good for headings and captions

This is the main heading font for University websites.

Use for headlines and typographic elements in design assets.

Get Oswald

Oswald light

Oswald light italic

Oswald regular

Oswald regular italic

Oswald bold

Oswald bold italic



Bodoni Moda

Use when a serif font is required

Use as body text alongside Bebas Neue, Open Sans, or Oswald.

This should not be used as the main heading font of branded content.

Get Bodoni Moda

Bodoni regular

Bodoni regular italic

Bodoni bold

Bodoni bold italic