Destination 2022:

Our strategic plan

The University of Lethbridge exists to build a better society and inspire the minds of tomorrow. Review uLethbridge's vision and strategy.

See full strategic plan


We will be Canada’s destination for all who seek a comprehensive, liberal education-based university by:

  • promoting a diverse and inclusive environment
  • inspiring research-informed teaching and learning
  • fostering creative discovery, scholarship, professional endeavour, experiential opportunities and community engagement

Strategic directions

Excel as a comprehensive university

We will evolve as a comprehensive university by:

  • offering a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs
  • advancing knowledge through significant research programs
  • encouraging excellence in teaching
  • staying true to our founding ideals of student-centred, liberal education

We will address the issues facing society in the 21st Century by:

  • offering a centre for critical thought and dialogue
  • bringing people together to foster discussion and seek creative solutions

We will develop, promote, engage and advance internationalization.

Inspire and support student potential

We are committed to offering students an enriching experience with the rigour of a comprehensive academic and research university.

At both undergraduate and graduate levels, we will strive to advance students as knowledge makers and as global citizens with international and intercultural skills and knowledge.

All members of the university community can contribute to supporting student success and to creating a student experience that is healthy, safe, and well-rounded.

We will ensure that students remain central and provide them a personal and engaging learning environment, which strives to move beyond the classroom through experiential learning.

Our professional programs will excel in combining depth of knowledge with breadth of practical experience.

Promote access to quality, affordable post-secondary education

Society as a whole benefits from an educated populace. We will find ways for as many qualified individuals as possible to access to our educational programs.

We will ensure the education we provide is of a high quality.

Our two campuses will find ways to improve educational pathways locally, nationally, and internationally, so that obtaining a post-secondary education is as seamless as possible.

Build internal community and enhance relationships with external communities

We will develop an internal community that is diverse, inclusive, and welcoming.

We are fully committed to the University of Lethbridge as a pan-Alberta public institution that offers its expertise, facilities, and services for the benefit of the communities it serves.

We will find ways to make further connections with all our communities, locally, nationally and internationally.

Enhance the sustainability of the University

We commit to taking action on the education, research, policy formation and information exchange necessary to advance sustainability.

We will incorporate the three facets of sustainability — environmental, economic and social responsibility — into all aspects of our institution, and communicate these efforts for the benefit of all.