One of my first meetings with Bill Cade came within weeks of taking office as mayor when he called on me to live up to a campaign promise. Throughout the 2001 mayoralty campaign I had promoted the concept of a community-driven economic development model. Bill and several of his friends made it clear that it was not only a good idea, it was one they expected me to implement forthwith. And with Bill's guidance and support, Economic Development Lethbridge moved from vision to reality.
I was deeply moved at the time that a U of L president should be so engaged in his community. As I was to learn, this was just the first of a series of partnerships between the University and the city that Bill had a hand in creating.
What kind of president has Bill been? Energetic, charismatic, passionate, considerate and above all, focused on the needs of students. Bill and Elsa have played important parts in the University of Lethbridge story over the last 10 years, but they have also earned the respect and love of people they have come in contact with throughout the community. Good luck, my friend!
Robert Tarleck, Ako-taosi
Mayor, City of Lethbridge
What I appreciate most about Bill was that he was a great and enthusiastic supporter of the community and local projects. He considered the University to be a partner with the Lethbridge community at large, and was always prepared to step up and get involved.
Paul Pharo
President 2009/2010, Lethbridge Chamber of Commerce;
U of L Senate Member
I have watched the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association (ULAA) grow into a significant contributor to the University. I recognize and thank you for your support, encouragement and participation in the ULAA endeavours to grow within its own parameters and to participate to make the University better and stronger. Thank you for allowing me to be a friend. Good health as you proceed into the next stage of your active life.
Bob Hironaka (Dsc '02)
Chancellor emeritus
My first meeting with Bill was in my office. He insisted on coming to me. How about that! To me, it was a generous thing to do and indicated his strong character personified by a professional humbleness.
Bill Cade was a great president of the University of Lethbridge. I thank him and Elsa and won't ever forget them.
Clint Dunford
Former MLA, Lethbridge West
Bill Cade has the best memory for names! He can walk into a room and address each person by their correct name, and if he is meeting you for the first time, you can bet he will remember it the next time you meet. I was on a shoot at the University Theatre and Bill walked by and said, "Hi, Dory…Hi, Ted!" Ted, our cameraperson, was completely floored that Bill would remember his name! That is a real gift!
Dory Rossiter
CTV Lethbridge; former U of L Senate member
I have many reasons to thank Bill Cade, but the one that has meant the most to me is the interest and support he has shown for my mother and her work over the years. My mother is the Yiddish-language writer Chava Rosenfarb. Yiddish and the rich literature and culture associated with it are little known in Alberta. This is not surprising since the language itself is dying, a victim of the Holocaust. Today, there are few speakers and fewer readers. To have someone promote and encourage the work of a Yiddish writer the way Bill has done is truly remarkable and truly praiseworthy. To date, the U of L is the only university in Canada to have given an honorary degree to a Yiddish writer, despite the fact that Canada has been host to a vibrant Yiddish culture for more than a hundred years. I have no words to express how very moving this is to me and how grateful I am.
Dr. Goldie Morgentaler
Professor, Department of English
Bill's attribute of treating everybody with respect has endeared him to friends and business associates alike. When we met with a number of people in Ottawa promoting the U of L he impressed everyone with his passion and demeanour.
The first time I was in his office at the University my questions regarding his collection of crickets quickly led to a lesson on the reproductive machinations of the species.

I'm not sure how many people know that Bill is a hot rodder at heart and spent time at the drag strip in his day. I promised to take him for a blast in my 1967 GTX – haven't done that yet but will.
Dr. Cade! Make sure you take the time to reflect on what you have meant to the U of L and to southern Alberta, how much better the institution and all of us are for having you come to town. I hope you and your wonderful bride continue to enjoy peace and happiness.
Rick Casson
MP, Lethbridge; Former U of L employee
I organized a luncheon for a visiting Chinese delegation that Bill attended. Roast beef was served along with a side of horseradish. A dish of horseradish was placed with the starting salad at every seat during the meal. Bill is very charismatic and of course was the focus of our luncheon. As we started the meal, he picked up his dish of horseradish and poured it all over his salad (thinking it was salad dressing). Before we knew it, every visitor from China was doing the same! In the following moments, everyone was digging into their salads and not understanding our instructions of "it's for the beef." Garden salad is not served in China and with the horseradish it must have been an unusual culinary experience for our guests – but a great story for us!
Laurel Corbiere
Manager, International Centre for Students
Bill at convocation is a dynamo.He rises to the occasion and gives a barnburner of a speech. We all feel better about ourselves and stand a little taller.
Dr. John C. Poulsen
Assistant Dean, Faculty of Education
I remember when Bill told the story of the streaker in the new stadium.... After an enthusiastic monologue of the young man's escapade, without cracking a smile, and with his deep Texas accent, he said, "Of course my official stance is I am shocked and appalled." Most of us were nearly in tears laughing by this point.
Mari Daunt
U of L Senate Member
"The thing I appreciated most about Bill was that not only did he understand what his job was and did it well, but he understood what his job wasn't, and he did that well, too. He and Elsa will be missed...."
Richard Davidson
U of L Chancellor
Bill Cade… My heartfelt congratulations on your upcoming retirement from the University of Lethbridge.
Students, staff and the community of Lethbridge have all benefited greatly from your leadership, ingenuity and success. You can take pride in everything you and this institution have accomplished during your tenure.
Under your leadership, the University of Lethbridge's offerings have evolved to include the first-time admission of PhD students to the School of Graduate Studies. Program decisions like these will help the University to continue to prosper as part of Campus Alberta.
Please accept my best wishes for a fulfilling and healthy retirement. Wherever the road takes you, may happiness follow.
Ed Stelmach
Premier of Alberta
It would be impossible to list all of Bill's accomplishments here. For me, his most enduring legacy will be the passion and joy that were always contagious whenever I spoke with him. I will miss working with him in our official capacities, but I'll always consider Bill a personal friend.
Greg Weadick (Bsc '77)
MLA, Lethbridge WEST
Five years ago, when I was being recruited for the presidency of Lethbridge College, I did lots of research on the institution and the community. When I found out that Dr. Bill Cade was a fellow Longhorn (we're both graduates of the University of Texas at Austin) I gave him a call to find out his perspective on Lethbridge as well as his impression of the relationship between the U of L and Lethbridge College.
I remember I was between flights and Bill spent 30 or 40 minutes with me on the phone, answering my questions and providing his insights. He also directed me to a U of L student who had transferred over from the College who was very helpful in providing further information.
I have very much enjoyed working with Bill. . . He is a colleague and a friend. I hope we'll still have a chance to catch up as he continues with his teaching and research at the University. Conversely, I would be happy to visit him in San Antonio, perhaps we could take in a football game at UT. Hook 'em, Horns!
Dr. Tracy Edwards
President and CEO, Lethbridge College
Bill Cade is one of that rare breed who truly understands all of the roles they're expected to play in their position. He's equal parts academic, administrator, scientist and statesman. And he can express his passion in each of those roles in a way that everyone can understand, appreciate and share. He can even make crickets sound exciting!
Never did I ever imagine I would develop such a strong respect and working relationship with someone whose passion is bugs – or, as Bill would say, the Phylum Arthropoda – however, that is exactly what happened. During Bill's presidency, I have come to respect and admire his knowledge, understanding, passion and commitment to post-secondary education. Bill has been a tireless advocate for the University of Lethbridge and our province's overall post-secondary system. His contributions to improving both are immeasurable. Best wishes, Bill, in your upcoming professional endeavours, and thank you for your guidance and leadership.
Rob Renner
MLA, Medicine Hat Constituency; Minister of Environment
Bill Cade was the right person at the right time to continue the University of Lethbridge's progression to an elite comprehensive institution. During his term, the alumni base almost doubled in size. With his encouragement and support, it has become an increasingly important component of the University community. Indeed, the University, city, province and country will miss Bill and Elsa's involvement, enthusiasm and commitment.
Don Chandler (BA '73)
President, University of Lethbridge Alumni Association
Given all that Bill was responsible for, I admired him for always putting the students first and for his infectious passion for the University of Lethbridge.
Karen Bartsch
U of L Board of Governors Member
Bill is a very sincere, welcoming man, who converses easily and comfortably with people from all walks of life.
When I mentioned that my daughter had started her first year at U of L , Bill encouraged me to have her give him a call and stop by for a visit sometime. For a few months she procrastinated, thinking he would be too busy and was not really serious. Finally, when she did make an appointment to visit Bill, she found that he was not only the University president, but moreover he was a friend – a friend from a different walk of life, a friend from a different generation – but someone who made every effort to be a friend.
The world would be a better place if more people were like Bill Cade.
Happy trails, Bill.
Evan Berger
MLA, Livingstone-Macleod
Bill Cade is generous, gracious, kind and clear about his commitment to the University and the people involved.
Susan Burrows-Johnson
CEO/Executive Director, Galt Museum and Archives
I extend my warmest congratulations to you on your retirement as president of the University of Lethbridge.
For a decade, you have served as an exceptional visionary, ambassador and innovator for the University. Through your guidance, the University of Lethbridge has developed a reputation for teaching and research excellence, and it has become a key part of Campus Alberta.
Doug Horner
Deputy Premier; Minister of Advanced Education and Technology
Southern Albertans pride themselves on their ability to cope with our climate. Imagine my glee when President Cade went above the call of duty to pace his heavy breathing in preparation for a True North polar bear dip! This man can do it all.
Bridget A. Pastoor
MLA, Lethbridge EAST
from the University of Lethbridge Bookstore Collegiate Dictionary:
1 Bill Cade 'bil 'kad Texas n (1946) 1: President of the University of Lethbridge from 2000 to 2010 2: Husband to Elsa Salazar Cade 3: Devoted father 4: Professor of Biological Sciences 5: Expert of acoustic signals in field cricket mating behaviour 6: Dedicated student advocate 7: Possessor of an amazing memory for names 8: Head cheerleader for the U of L Pronghorns 9: Previous owner of Michael Nolan 10: Slinger of beef at free barbecues 11: Charitable polar bear 12: Wristwatch aficionado
Sample Sentence:
The U of L Bookstore staff wishes Bill Cade the best of luck in his future pursuits.
Dear Dr. Cade,
As you step down as the president and vice-chancellor of the University of Lethbridge, I am pleased to join with your many friends and colleagues in recognizing your distinguished career.
For the past four decades, you have been an esteemed researcher and educator. As a zoologist and entomologist, your work has brought you great praise, and as an academic leader, your dedication has earned you the respect and admiration of your peers. I know that many colleagues and students have benefited greatly from your counsel and guidance.
In addition to your professional work, you have always been active in the community.
This commitment, coupled with your impressive academic work, has won you accolades from many prestigious provincial, national, cultural and educational institutions. I have no doubt that you will continue to make significant contributions as you turn your focus to new ventures.
On behalf of the Government of Canada, I commend you for your enduring and successful career in research and education. I wish you continued success in all your future endeavours.
The Rt. Hon. Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
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