Water Institute for Sustainable Environments

Water Institute for Sustainable Environments


WISE researchers are analyzing water resources, including natural science analyses of watersheds, and water quantity and quality; and overlapping social science investigations related to aspects such as water policy and economics. The studies often investigate water resources and river systems of western North America, including the Saskatchewan River Basin and adjacent watersheds. The investigations consider fundamental aspects of water science, as well as applied science and management directed towards the simultaneous goals of environmental health and socioeconomic prosperity.

Objectives & Activities

  • Establish the University of Lethbridge as a nationally recognized centre for water research and training.
  • Implement a platform to facilitate inter and trans disciplinary research in natural and social sciences relative to water.
  • Cultivate a range of water experts who can engage in the communication and translation of research outcomes.
  • Provide increased opportunities for faculty and students to participate in water research initiatives.
  • Provide unique training opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students and assist in increasing enrollment in water programming.
  • Encourage an increased blending of research and teaching activities related to water science and water management.
  • Elevate the profile of the University of Lethbridge’s water research strengths through improved communication, publications, attendance and presentations at conferences and through participation with water interest and stakeholder organizations.