Performance and Outcomes

Program Completion

Undergraduate Program Completion - The likelihood of University of Lethbridge students completing their programs has been stable throughout the last decade.


New High School Persistence - New high school student persistence measures the number of students entering directly from high school one fall who register the following fall. For institutions who register students by year this is a good measure, but it is less accurate for a university based on semester registration. At universities with a semester system, students' registration patterns are less predictable even though they are pursuing full-time studies.


Graduate Employment Rate - Students are surveyed two years after graduation. The value of a University of Lethbridge degree in terms of employment has been stable over the years.
Source: Government of Alberta Graduate Outcomes Survey

Ability to apply Acquired Skills - Students are surveyed two years after graduation. The general skills and abilities acquired while attending the University of Lethbridge continues to gain significance when students enter the workforce.
Source: Government of Alberta Graduate Outcomes Survey

Unemployment Rate by Level of Education - Attending university decreases the likelihood of unemployment significantly.
Source: Statistics Canada. Table 14-10-0361-01.


Median Yearly Income of Graduates - Median income of graduates of credential programs at the University of Lethbridge, two years after graduation.
Source: Government of Alberta Graduate Outcomes Survey.


Quality of Teaching - Students were surveyed two years after graduation. The University of Lethbridge offers a high quality educational experience in which high quality teaching plays a central role.
Source: Government of Alberta Graduate Outcomes Survey

Overall Quality of Education - Students were surveyed two years after graduation. Student satisfaction with the quality of their educational experience has exceeded 90% over the past 10 years at the University of Lethbridge.
Source: Government of Alberta Graduate Outcomes Survey

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University of Lethbridge Performance and Outcomes