Nicol, Lorraine

Senior Research Associate

Economics Department

(403) 329-2512
(403) 329-2519

About Me

After earning a master's degree in Economics from Queen's University, I worked for many years as a senior policy analyst and researcher for a diverse range of federal and provincial government departments including the Economic Council of Canada, Human Resources Development Canada, Saskatchewan Finance and the Saskatchewan Public Service Commission.

Upon moving to Lethbridge with my husband and three (now grown) children in 2001, I began studying water management policy and issues and concentrated on irrigation water management. This interest led me to complete a second master's degree, this time in Agricultural Studies. My thesis research focused on the temporary trading of irrigation water allocations during the 2001 drought, and the permanent sale of water rights in southern Alberta. Subsequently I completed a PhD in Biosystems and Biodiversity, again with an emphasis on water management. My dissertation research focused on water and city-regionalism, studying the dynamics of water reallocation within the Calgary Regional Partnership.

Since then my research has concentrated on the adoption of precision agriculture; advancements in irrigation agriculture; the economic consequences of water supply constraints on municipal as well as housing development; and the effectiveness of watershed management and advisory councils on municipal water and land management . I also provide consulting services to the provincial government, as well as other organizations, and work as a volunteer on watershed planning and advisory councils.

As part of an athletic and musical family, I am also the proud mom of an Olympian, an Iron Man, and an accomplished musician.


Select Publications and Presentations:

Nicol, L. (2025).  Irrigation Districts' Water License Amendments for Other Purpose Uses.  Invited speaker, Alberta Irrigation Districts Association Conference, Calgary, Alberta, February.

Nicol, L. (2023). Adoption of Precision Agriculture in Alberta Irrigation with Implications for Sustainability. Invited speaker, Alberta Irrigation Districts Association Conference, Calgary, Alberta, February.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2021). Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils - Their Impact on Municipal Watershed Management and Planning. Alberta Real Estate Foundation Grant, Author: Lethbridge, Alberta.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2021). Adoption of Precision Agriculture in Alberta Irrigation with Implications for Sustainability. Journal of Rural and Community Development, 16(1), 152-174.

Nicol, L. (2020). Economic Benefits and Technological Advancements - Two Studies of Irrigation Agriculture in Alberta. Invited speaker, Ag Expo, Lethbridge, Alberta, February.

Nicol, L. (2019). Adoption of Precision Agriculture in the Taber Irrigation District. Invited speaker, Family Farm Forum - Focus on Women, Lethbridge, Alberta, November.

Nicol, L. (2019). Precision Agriculture in Irrigation in Southern Alberta. Presented to the Precision Agriculture Community of Practice, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, October.

Nicol, L. (2019). Adoption of Precision Agriculture in the Taber Irrigation District. Invited speaker, Alberta Irrigation Districts Association Conference, Calgary, Alberta, February.

Nicol, L. and Nicol, C. (2019). Advancements in Irrigation Agriculture with Implications for Economic and Community Development and Environmental Stewardship in Southern Alberta. Alberta Real Estate Foundation Grant. Author: Lethbridge, Alberta.

Nicol, L. (2019). Irrigation: A Driver of the Economy and Environmental Sustainability. The Meander, Spring/Summer, Milk River Watershed Council Canada, 7.

Nicol, L. and Nicol, C. (2018). Adoption of Precision Agriculture to Reduce Inputs, Enhance Sustainability and Increase Food Production - A Study of Southern Alberta, Canada. In Passerini, G. and Marchettini, N. Eds. Ecology and the Environment, Volume 217, WIT Press, 327-337.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2018). Challenges and Potential Adaptation Strategies of Rural Water Co-ops - An Alberta Case Study. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 13(1), 13-25.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2018). Adoption of Precision Agriculture to Reduce Inputs, Enhance Sustainability and Increase Food Production - A Study of Southern Alberta, Canada. Presented to the Sustainable Development and Planning Conference, Siena, Italy, September.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2017). Reasons for Government Inaction and Some Negative Consequences: Two Case Studies of Failed Water Management Initiatives in Alberta. In Brebbia, C.A. and Boukalova, Vodni Eds. Ecology and the Environment, WIT Press, 15-24.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2017). Municipal Development and Alberta's Water Management Framework. The PLAN North West Journal, 3 (3), 27-31.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2017). Municipal Water Pricing for Households in Alberta - A Backgrounder. The PLAN North West Journal, 3 (3), 22-26.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2017). Precision Agriculture in Southern Alberta - Some Indicators. Study undertaken in partnership with Farming Smarter. Author: Lethbridge, Alberta.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2016). Challenges and Solutions in Acquiring Water for Housing Development. Alberta Real Estate Foundation Grant. Author: Lethbridge, Alberta.

Kulshreshtha, S., Paterson, B., Hart, D., and Nicol, L. (2016). Irrigation's Impact on Economic Growth in Alberta, Canada. Irrigation & Drainage Systems Engineering, 5(1), 1-6.

Nicol, L., and Nicol, C. (2015). Bifurcation of a Rural-Urban Partnership: A Study of Hidden Dynamics. The Journal of Rural and Community Development, 10(4), 107-124.

Paterson Earth & Water Consulting (2015). Economic Value of Irrigation in Alberta. Prepared for the Alberta Irrigation Projects Association by Brent Paterson, Suren Kulshreshtha, Dick Hart & Lorraine Nicol. Author: Lethbridge, Alberta.

Nicol, L. (2015). Water Co-operatives - Are they Up to the Challenge? Proceedings from the 2015 Canadian Water Resources Association National Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June.

Nicol, L. (2014). Barriers to Improving Alberta's Water Market: A Question of Governance and the Role of Government. Proceedings from the 2014 Canada Water Resources Congress, Hamilton, Ontario, June.

Nicol, L (2014). The Calgary Regional Partnership: Building a Bridge Over Troubled Waters. Curb Magazine 5(2), 14-15, City-Region Studies Centre, University of Alberta.

Nicol, L. (2013). Integrated Water Resources Management Within City-Regionalism: A Canadian Case Study. Proceedings from the Water in the Anthropocene - Challenges for Science and Governance Conference, Bonn, Germany, May.

Nicol, L. (2012). Water and City-Region Governance - Challenges in Rescaling. Proceedings from the Sustainable City Conference, Ancona, Italy, May.

Nicol, L., Bjornlund, H., and Klein, K. (2010): Private Irrigators in Southern Alberta: A Survey of their Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technologies and Management Practices. Canadian Water Resources Journal 35(3), 339-350.

Nicol, L., Bjornlund H. and Klein, K. (2010): Towards Sustainable Irrigation - Economic Instruments to Save and Reallocate Water in Private and District Irrigation in Alberta, Canada. Chapter in Brebbia, C.A., Marinov, A.M. and Bjornlund, H. Eds. Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies III. WITPress, Southampton.

Wheeler, S., Bjornlund, H., Olsen, T., Klein, K., and Nicol, L., (2010): Modelling the Adoption of Different Types of Irrigation Water Technology in Alberta, Canada. Chapter in Brebbia, C.A., Marinov, A.M. and Bjornlund, H. Eds. Sustainable Irrigation Management, Technologies and Policies III. WITPress, Southampton.

Nicol, L. (2010): Path Dependence and Critical Junctures - An Urban-Rural Water Sharing Study. Proceedings from the Irrigation Sustainability Conference, Bucharest, Romania, June.

Bjornlund, H., Nicol, L. and Klein, K. (2009): The Adoption of Improved Irrigation Technology and Management Practices - A Study of Two Irrigation Districts in Alberta, Canada. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 96, 121-131.

Nicol, L., Klein, K. and Bjornlund, H. (2008): Permanent Transfers of Water Rights: A Study of the Southern Alberta Market. Prairie Forum 33(2), 341-56

Nicol, L, Bjornlund, H and Klein, K. (2008): Improved Technologies and Management Practices in Irrigation - Implications for Water Savings in Southern Alberta. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 33(3), 283-294

Bjornlund, H. Nicol, L. and Klein, K. (2008): Economic Instrument and Irrigation Water Management - A Comparative Study of Private and District Irrigators in Alberta, Canada. In Esteve, Y.V.; Brebbia, C.A. and Rico, C.P Eds. Sustainable Irrigation - Management Technologies and Policies II, 3-14.

Bjornlund, H., Nicol, L. and Klein, K. (2008): Implementing Alberta's Water for Life Strategy: An Irrigation Industry Perspective. Prairie Forum 33(1), 167-190.

Nicol, L., Bjornlund, H. and Klein, K. (2008): Improved Technologies and Management Practices in Private Irrigation - Implications for Water Savings in Southern Alberta. Proceedings from the International Conference, Water Down Under, Adelaide, April.

Bjornlund, H., Nicol, L. and Klein, K. (2007): Challenges in Implementing Economic Instruments to Manage Irrigation Water on Farms in Southern Alberta. Journal of Agricultural Water Management 92, 131-141.

Nicol, L. and Klein, K. (2006). Water Market Characteristics: Results from a Survey of Southern Alberta Irrigators. Canadian Water Resources Journal, 31(2), p. 91-104.


B.A. Honours, Economics and Political Science, University of Saskatchewan (1980); Masters of Economics, Queens University (1983); Masters of Agricultural Studies, University of Lethbridge (2005); Ph.D Biosystems and Biodiversity, University of Lethbridge (2013)

Research Interests

Precision agriculture, advancements in irrigation agriculture, economic benefits of irrigation, water and city-regionalism, Alberta water policy and policy development, water markets, integrated water resource management, watershed water management

Research Areas

Adoption of precision agriculture and regenerative agriculture practices; irrigation water management;
watershed planning and advisory councils; integrated water resources management; water constraints and economic development


Agriculture resources management irrigation water management Alberta water policy and policy development integrated water resources management water markets water management and city regionalism