Breen, Jason

Sessional Instructor

Philosophy Department

(403) 329-2376

Office Hours

Winter 2025: T/R 9:00 -10:00 AM @ UH B810H


I am currently serving as an Instructor in the Department of Philosophy.

Current Research

My current research focuses on the Philosophy of Human Rights. Specifically, I am examining the methodological commitments involved in the fidelity thesis, which asserts that any credible conception of human rights must have fidelity to existing human rights practices. I am also assessing whether our current conceptions of human rights meet these commitments.


PhD (ABD) in Philosophy - York University

Graduate Diploma in Value Theory & Applied Ethics - York University

MA in Philosophy - Memorial University

BA (Hons) in Philosophy & History - Memorial University

Research Interests

I am interested in the history of Western philosophy, with a particular focus on the Enlightenment and its connection to human rights and postcolonial theory. My areas of interest also include the philosophy of law and related topics in applied ethics, such as just war theory and bioethics, which encompasses medical, animal, and environmental ethics. In sum, I think about who and what we are in a community with and how we have justified the limits of those communities.