Adams, Carly


Kinesiology & Physical Education

(403) 332-4508
Socio/Cultural Lab
(403) 332-4506

About Me

Recipient of the 2023 Ron and Sue Service Award for Service within NASSH and the NASSH 2022 Guy Lewis Award for Contributions to the Field of Sport History.

Board of Governors Research Chair, Tier I, 2022-2027

Director, Centre for Oral History and Tradition (COHT)

Editor, Sport History Review ~

Member of Canada's Sport Hall of Fame Selection Committee, 2018-2023


As a social historian and an advocate for oral history, Dr. Adams explores community, resiliency and gender in her research, with a focus on sport and leisure experiences. Carly leads the Nikkei Memory Capture Project (with Dr. Darren Aoki, University of Plymouth, UK), a trans-national oral history collaboration focusing on the stories of Japanese Canadians in southern Alberta after the Second World War. Project website/

KNES 2130 - Humanities Perspectives
KNES 3120 - The Modern Olympic Movement
KNES 4720 - Gender and Physical Activity 
KNES 4400 - Canadian Sport History

CSPT 5103/7103: Qualitative Interviewing

Dr. Adams supervises students in the Kinesiology MA major, and Cultural, Social and Political Thought MA and PhD majors. She is currently accepting graduate students.


Adams, Carly (2024) Embracing Discomfort and Manifesting Hope as an Activist Practice, Sport History Review, 55(2): 141-145. 

Ingram, S, Lyon, S, Toth, E, Adams, C, Aoki, D (2023) Teaching and Learning through the Nikkei Memory Capture Project. Alberta History. 71(4): 13-25.

Aoki Darren and Carly Adams. (2023). Of Ice Cream, Potatoes, and Kimono-Clad Japanese Women: Forgetting and Remembering the Japanese Racialization of Lethbridge's Sensuous Geographies. In Hodes C, Bonifacio G (Ed.), Racism in Southern Alberta and Anti-Racist Activism for Change. Canada: University of Athabasca Press.

Adams, Carly (2022) "Home" to Some, But Not to Others: It's Time to "Step Up", Sport History Review, 53 (1): 1-5.

Leavitt, Stacey and Carly Adams (2022). A Successful Failure? Troubling the Road to the NWHL and Professional Women's Hockey. In Bowes, A, Culvin A (Ed.), The Professionalisation of Women's Sport: Issues and Debates. United Kingdom: Emerald Publishing Group.

Phillips, Murray, Douglas Booth, and Carly Adams (2022) Routledge Handbook of Sport History. Edited collection

Adams, Carly (2021) Sport and Recreation in Canadian History, Human Kinetics. Edited collection.

Pieper, Lindsay and Carly Adams (2021). An Introduction to "50 Years: The North American Society for Sport History (NASSH)", Special Issue, Journal of Sport History, 48(3), 249-254.

Adams, Carly and Darren J. Aoki (2020). Hey, Why Don't We Have a Bonspiel?' Narrating Postwar Japanese Canadian Experiences in Southern Alberta through Oral Histories of Curling. The International Journal of the History of Sport, 37(16), 1715-1733.

Adams, Carly (2020) "Sport and Physical Culture in Historical Perspective." In Jay Scherer and Brian Wilson (eds.) Sport and Physical Culture in Canadian Society. Pearson.

Adams, Carly and Stacey Leavitt (2018) "It's just girls' hockey:" Troubling progress narratives in girls' and women's sport," International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 53(2): 152-172.

Adams, Carly and Jason Laurendeau (2018) "'Here they come! Look them over!': Youth, citizenship, and the emergence of minor hockey in Canada. In Jenny Ellison and Jennifer Anderson (eds.) Hockey: Challenging Canada's Game. Ottawa, ON: University of Ottawa Press.

Adams, Carly and Jason Laurendeau (2018) "Ghostly (Dis) appearances: Sport, Gender and Feminism in Canada." In Glenda Bonifacio (ed.) Global Currents in Gender and Feminisms: Canadian and International Perspectives. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Group.

Shields, Rachel, Jason Laurendeau and Carly Adams (2017) "The logic of memory: 'Paroxysms of tears and joy' for the London Olympics and the Bhopal disaster," Memory Studies, 10(2): 193-209.

Adams, Carly (2014) "Troubling bodies: "The Canadian girl, the ice rink, and the Banff Winter Carnival." Journal of Canadian Studies, 48(3): 200-220.

Stevens, Julie and Carly Adams (2013) Together we can make it better: Collective action and governance in a girls' ice hockey association," International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 48(6): 658-672

Kossuth, Robert and Carly Adams (2013) Reflections on critical sport history in the museum: Opportunities and challenges from a local/regional project. Journal of Sport History, 40(2): 401-411.

Adams, Carly (2012), "(Writing myself into) Betty White's stories: (De)constructing narratives of/through feminist sport history research," Journal of Sport History, special issue on feminist sport history, 39(3): 395-414.

Adams, Carly (2012) "Historical methods and traces of the past: Embracing the complexities and engaging in reflexivity" In Kevin Young and Michael Atkinson (eds.) Qualitative Research in Sport and Physical Culture. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.

Adams, Carly (2011), Queens of the ice. Toronto, ON: James Lorimer & Company Ltd.

Adams, Carly (2011), "I just felt like I belonged to them: Women's industrial softball, London, Ontario 1923-35," Journal of Sport History, 38(1): 75-94.

Adams, Carly (2011), "Supervised places to play: Social reform, citizenship, and femininity at municipal playgrounds in London, Ontario, 1900-1942," Ontario History, 103(1): 60-80.

Laurendeau, Jason and Carly Adams (2010), "'Jumping like a girl': Discursive silences, exclusionary practices, and the controversy over women's ski jumping," Sport in Society 13(3): 431-447.


BHK (Hons.) (Sport Management); Ph.D. (Kinesiology)

In The Media's-dr-carly-adams-named-canada's-sports-hall-fame-member-selection


20th century Canadian sport histories, oral history, gender, Japanese Canadian histories, digital storytelling, public history, sport governance