University of Lethbridge experts available to discuss variety of back-to-school issues

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

With the beginning of the 2022-23 academic year, the University of Lethbridge has a number of experts within its Faculty of Education available to discuss some of the most pressing issues of the new school year.

These experts can address everything from the development and implementation of new curriculum to civic youth literacy, children entering schools from other countries, wellness and mental health of students and the return to the classroom for PSIII teachers who had their internships affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

See the following list of experts and their areas of study and feel free to contact them directly if you are looking to develop any stories related to back-to-school.

Sharon Pelech, Assistant Dean, Field Experience, Faculty of Education
The COVID-19 pandemic played havoc with the scheduling of in-classroom internships for ULethbridge PSIII students. These students are going back into the classroom to finish off their final preparatory internships and Pelech can speak to the challenges they have faced and what lies ahead.


Robin Bright, Amy von Heyking, Sandy Bakos, Faculty of Education


A new curriculum is being implemented this fall and with it, teachers and students will face a variety of challenges. Robin Bright (reading), Amy von Heyking (general) and Sandy Bakos (numeracy) can speak to what’s involved with integrating a new curriculum and how it affects both teachers and students.


Sandra Dixon, Faculty of Education

We truly live in a global society and with recent worldwide unrest, even more international students are making their way to Canada and into classrooms, from K to post-secondary. Associate professor Sandra Dixon has particular expertise on the challenges students from other countries face when entering Canadian schools.


Dawn McBride (registered psychologist), Danny Balderson, Faculty of Education

Student health and well-being is at the forefront of concerns, especially following two years of interrupted education coupled with online learning. Dawn McBride and Danny Balderson are all able to address issues associated with student wellness, mental health and social development.


Erin Reid, Faculty of Education

One of the most important discussions in society today are the growing instances of racism and religious discrimination. Erin Reid’s expertise allows her to address issues of tolerance and acceptance, how this plays out in school settings and how we can teach the next generation to champion inclusivity.


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Trevor Kenney, News & Information Manager 
403-360-7639 (cell)