Advisory - Career Month offers a full slate of activities for students

Monday, November 2, 2020

Future is the focus for November as the University of Lethbridge’s Career Bridge: Centre for Work-Integrated Learning and Career Development presents a host of activities for students in celebration of Career Month.

WHAT: Career Month at the University of Lethbridge

WHEN: Throughout the month of November

WHERE: Online activities include lectures, workshops and sessions devoted to building a strong base for students as they transition from academic to professional careers

WHO: Presented by Career Bridge, the University’s hub for work-integrated learning, experiential learning and career services

Students who take part in (at least eight) sessions throughout the month will gain credit towards their MyExperience Transcript (MET), which complements the academic transcript and is designed to reflect a student’s curricular and co-curricular experiential learning opportunities.

For a full list of events, visit the Notice Board.

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Trevor Kenney, News & Information Manager
403-360-7639 (cell)

Mark Slomp, Executive Director Student Services