Let's play

Play used to be considered a waste of time but research into the function and value of play has completely changed that view. In her talk, Building Resiliency Through Play, neuroscientist Dr. Robbin Gibb (BASc (BSc) ’77, MSc ’01, PhD ’04) teaches us how play helps build important executive function skills, reduces stress and builds resiliency in people of all ages. 

Dr. Robbin Gibb is associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the University of Lethbridge. Her research focuses on parental influences on brain development and recovery from early brain injury. In addition to her teaching commitments and research, Dr. Gibb speaks regularly to public interest groups on the role of early experience in shaping brain development, and is a member of the Early Childhood Education Advisory Committee for Lethbridge College and the Building Brains and Futures project, Lethbridge.


Play Day – Online Community Lecture: Building Resiliency Through Play


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