Students, whether they are entering their first year of studies at ULethbridge or if they’re a second-year student who’s never set foot on campus due to the Covid-19 pandemic, are eligible to take the Early Start Experience (ESE) course to help ease the transition to campus.

Offered through the School of Liberal Education, students enrolled in ESE earn a full three-credit course (Social Science List), meet other students, learn skills needed for studies at a university level and find out how to access support systems. Along with getting an academic introduction to the University and its various disciplines, students tour campus, take workshops on study skills, use the library for research, write essays and participate in fun group activities.
“The ESE is normally only open to students about to enter their first year, but given the disruptions of the past year, we are opening the course to students now entering their second year,” says Dr. Shelly Wismath, dean of the School of Liberal Education. “The first semester is often the hardest for first-year students and coming to campus for the first time, even if you are in your second year, can be daunting. The ESE not only helps students find their way around campus, but also helps them learn this whole new system with its own culture, rules and standards.”
Students who’ve taken ESE in the past say the course was invaluable in helping them make the transition to university life.
“I would absolutely encourage new students to take ESE,” says Noelle Kuntz, a ULethbridge fine arts student. “You’ll meet many friends who you can stay in touch with for the rest of your university experience and you’ll learn a ton from the course. Another huge benefit is getting a full course credit in just two weeks.”
“I am filled with amazement with how much more prepared I am for the year,” said one student who took the course in 2020. “Many, if not all, of my fears, worries and concerns were all addressed during the classes. I feel confident that I will be able to use the tools provided by this program and that I will be able to succeed — no, thrive — in my first year.”
The ESE course, called LBED 1500, runs from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. for two weeks from Monday, Aug. 22 to Friday, Sept. 2. Visit ESE for more information.