The University of Lethbridge’s popular pub-style talk series, PUBlic Professor, will kick off its 10th season on Sept. 28, 2023. To celebrate a decade of casual, informative and engaging presentations from ULethbridge faculty members, the series has been reimagined to include speakers beyond the Faculty of Arts & Science — giving the public an opportunity to explore the breadth of expertise from across the entire institution.

Fittingly, the opening talk of the series features Dr. Digvir Jayas, the University’s new president and vice-chancellor. Jayas, a researcher in agricultural studies, will present, Recent Trends in the Food Industry, on September 28, 2023, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Sandman Signature Lethbridge Lodge.
As with any other industry, the food industry has been changing over time. These changes are driven by many factors including changes in consumer behaviour, advice to consumers from health practitioners, government regulations, global economy, transportation, climate change, technology including internet-of-things (IoT), research done by academic institutions and industry itself, and most recently the pandemic. Jayas’s talk will provide an overview of recent trends in the food industry and factors driving these changes. Using food quality monitoring as an example, this presentation will highlight what role research has played and is continuing to play towards this area.

Jayas conducts research related to the drying, handling and storing of grains and oilseeds and digital image processing for grading and processing operations in the agri-food industry. Born in India, he earned a Bachelor of Agricultural Engineering at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology in Pantnagar, India. He came to Canada for his graduate schooling, first at the University of Manitoba (master of science, agricultural engineering) and then the University of Saskatchewan (doctorate in agricultural engineering). He began his professional academic career at the University of Manitoba as an assistant professor in the Agricultural Engineering Department in 1985.
As his career progressed, Jayas’s reputation as an influential researcher and leading voice in agrology grew. He collaborated with researchers in several countries and has had significant impact on the development of efficient grain storage, handling and drying systems in Canada, China, India, Ukraine and the United States.
The PUBlic Professor Series will feature six talks in total and touch on subjects in agriculture, therapeutic recreation, history, aboriginal health and new media, education, and neuroscience. Below is the talk schedule for the 2023/24 season. For more, visit the PUBlic Professor web page.
September 28, 2023 | Recent Trends in the Food Industry
Dr. Digvir Jayas, University of Lethbridge President & Vice-Chancellor (Agricultural Studies)
October 26, 2023 | Person-centred Care from Rhetoric to Reality: Exploring the Role of Knowledge Translation and Mobilization in Health Care
Dr. Sienna Caspar (Therapeutic Recreation)
November 23, 2023 | Borders are Stupid
Dr. Sheila McManus (History)
January 25, 2024 | Weaving World Views: The Web as a Space for Cultural Vitality
Christine Clark (New Media) & Melissa Shouting (Aboriginal Health)
February 29, 2024 | Owning my Voice and Speaking my Truth in Academic Spaces
Dr. Sandra Dixon (Education)
March 28, 2024 | Why is the Brain Important?
Dr. Rob Sutherland (Neuroscience)