The long awaited grand opening of southern Alberta's newest sports mecca took place over the weekend as the University of Lethbridge officially opened the Community Sports Stadium.
More than a decade in the making, the $12-million facility was constructed through a partnership between the City of Lethbridge and the University of Lethbridge with additional funding from the Province of Alberta and extensive input from several community groups. Funding came from a variety of sources, including the University of

A sunset at the new University of Lethbridge Community Sports Stadium.
"This is yet another example of how we can work with the City, the Province of Alberta and many partners to make things happen in our community," says U of L President, Dr. Bill Cade.
"I am extremely proud of all the people who came together to think through the use, design and building processes that led us to this point, who believed in this idea through many challenges, and who recognize the benefits of this legacy project for future generations of athletes in our region."
The University of Lethbridge Community Sports Stadium consists of an artificial field for football, rugby and soccer, a natural practice field, a synthetic 400-metre track, track and field space, and related service buildings. The facility will also include dedicated, off-street parking, 2000-person bleacher seating, and room for expansion as user demand and funding dictates.
"When you can look across the river valley and see the stadium lights, in the night sky, I see a very real example of community spirit in action," says Lethbridge Mayor Bob Tarleck.
"Sporting events bring people together and provide an excellent outlet for the youth in our community. As well, the efforts of many people have brought a prestigious new facility to the city which we anticipate will, in turn, attract new and unique events to Lethbridge."
As the largest complex of its kind in the area, the Community Sports Stadium draws athletes and spectators from all over southern Alberta, which made the project a good candidate for funding from the Province of Alberta through its Major Community Facilities Program.
"The group of MLAs who came together to support this project represent the people of our region, and on their behalf, I am proud to congratulate the University, the City and their community partners for the massive effort it has taken to make this sports complex a reality," said Greg Weadick, MLA for Lethbridge West.