Operation Red Nose (ORN), following a two-year hiatus, will return for its 26th year of community service, reviving the annual holiday drive-home campaign in Lethbridge starting December 2, 2022.
Operation Red Nose is a unique program dedicated to eliminating impaired driving. During the festive holiday season, individuals who have been drinking or who do not feel fit to drive can be driven home in their own vehicle by a team of Red Nose volunteers. There is no fee for the service, but donations to Pronghorn Athletics are accepted.

“Our student-athletes have been direct in asking for us to continue this community service project,” says Neil Langevin, executive director of Pronghorn Athletics. “We are so appreciative of the support we receive from our community, our relationship with Lethbridge Police Service and the assistance from the City of Lethbridge that enables us to provide this service. Local businesses have also always been behind us providing sponsorship, goods in kind or promoting and utilizing ORN, all of which allows us to put it on every year and support our athletes.”
In addition to being a safe driving campaign, Operation Red Nose is a fundraising activity for Pronghorn Athletics, with more than $815,000 raised in support of Pronghorn teams since its inception.
Pronghorn Athletics supplies most volunteers to operate the program over its nine-night run, while community members and ULethbridge staff and faculty members round out the volunteer crew. Volunteers are always needed, especially on New Year's Eve, and those interested can contact orn@uleth.ca to participate.
In 2019, Operation Red Nose provided 868 rides over 10 nights, with the help from more than 569 volunteers. During the 2019 holiday season, Operation Red Nose – Lethbridge collected $21,608.50 in donations from patrons that used the service and another $18,450 in corporate donations for a yearly total of $40,058.50. All proceeds went directly back to Pronghorn teams.
Lethbridge Police Service support is essential for ORN as it provides background checks for all volunteers.
“The Lethbridge Police Service is proud to once again partner with Pronghorn Athletics and applauds the return of Operation Red Nose,” says Deputy Chief Gerald Grobmeier. “We truly appreciate all the organizers and volunteers who give their time during the busy holiday season to help make our roads safer. Impaired driving-related collisions are 100 per cent preventable and we encourage everyone to celebrate responsibly and always find a safe ride home.”
The City of Lethbridge Transit department contributes to ORN by providing the physical space for the command centre throughout the campaign.
As well, Alpine Insurance and Intact are essential partners for the service, providing insurance to the organizing committee.
How it works
Teams of volunteers provide the Operation Red Nose service. An escort driver drives volunteers to pick up clients. A designated driver then drives the client’s vehicle with the client in it, and a navigator rides along in the vehicle completing the necessary paperwork for the trip. Anyone interested in volunteering should contact Pronghorn Athletics at orn@uleth.ca or go to http://gohorns.ca to download the volunteer application form.
Sponsors, both financial and through products and services, are key to enabling the program to be offered at no cost. Local businesses have been terrific in providing their support for ORN since its inception. Along with donations, all food and refreshments for volunteers, gas, phone service, and insurance coverage are donated.
*Please note criminal record checks for all volunteers are required and take time to process
Operation Red Nose Lethbridge
Dates of Operation in 2022
December 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17, 22, 23 & 31
Hours of Operation
9:30 p.m. – 3 a.m.
Operation Red Nose Phone Number: 403-320-4155