Student participants are now being sought for the inaugural Cor Van Raay Agribusiness Case Competition, a unique new venture presented collaboratively by the University of Lethbridge and Lethbridge College.
A student-directed initiative, the competition is designed for students to expand their knowledge in the areas of agriculture and business on a global scale, all the while introducing students to key players in the agribusiness sector. The competition is scheduled to run Nov. 6-8, 2015.

“It’s an amazing opportunity for students to gain practical experience in finding ways to improve agriculture practices by implementing modern business theories in an agricultural setting,” says University of Lethbridge management student Monica Gorham, one of the event organizers. “It’s also a huge networking event, a chance for students to get to know future employers and for event sponsors to meet potential employees.”
Bringing students from both of the area’s post-secondary institutions together for the competition is a natural fit and speaks to the manner in which the schools’ programs complement each other.
The inaugural event will primarily include undergraduate students from the U of L and Lethbridge College. Teams of three to four students will be presented with a written business problem and given four hours to analyze and solve. Teams then present their findings to a panel of judges, often made up of academics, industry sponsors and the community at large.
The competition is open to all students at either the University of Lethbridge or Lethbridge College and students can register as an individual. It is not necessary to have a background in agriculture or business but they are considered strengths.
For more information on the Cor Van Raay Agribusiness Case Competition, and to register, visit The registration deadline is Oct. 16, 2015.
Industry sponsors for the event include Cor Van Raay, MNP, Scotiabank, MacLachlan McNab Hembroff, Viterra, Cargill, Dow AgroSciences, Lethbridge Exhibition Park, FarmLink Marketing Solutions, Lethbridge County, Economic Development Lethbridge and UFA.
Any further sponsors looking to get involved in the competition are urged to contact Gorham at 403-382-8101 or