June 22, 2018 | Student Success
The U of L high school iGEM team continues its winning streak
June 19, 2018 | Student Success
U of L students give their time to local communities and learn civic engagement in the process
June 4, 2018 | Student Success
The team earned the Best Opportunity Analysis award and a travel bursary
June 4, 2018 | Student Success
After graduating with a degree in mathematics, Kai Fender now eyes a career in medicine
May 30, 2018 | Student Success
Brendan Cummins will be joining the School of Liberal Education as an instructor in July
May 24, 2018 | Student Success
Mirela Ambeskovic has been awarded a Brain Star Award, one of 15 to be awarded across the country
May 23, 2018 | Student Success
Collaboration with researchers at home and abroad gave Kung valuable experience and knowledge about DNA damage
April 16, 2018 | Student Success
For her considerable volunteerism throughout her life, Gov. Gen. Julie Payette presented Imogen Pohl the Sovereign's Medal for Volunteerism at a ceremony at Rideau Hall.
April 3, 2018 | Student Success
Ashley Henrickson and Danica Renke have each won a 2017 Government of Canada history award
March 16, 2018 | Student Success
Kyle Cole completed three co-op work terms with two different employers, totaling 12 months of work experience