December 16, 2014 | Student Success
Aaron Eelhart, a third-year general sciences student, creates an award-winning photo essay detailing his tour of China experience
December 10, 2014 | Student Success
Andrew Spencer and Shae Brossard are exploring the potential of three-dimensional sound reproduction with respect to perception of sound
December 5, 2014 | Student Success
The U of L sent four teams to the 53-team competition
November 24, 2014 | Student Success
U of L team members credit coaching and the trading floor for helping them win
November 14, 2014 | Student Success
The University of Lethbridge iGEM team worked on a project that could one day lead to a new therapy for brain injuries
November 14, 2014 | Student Success
Developing financial literacy skills is very important for students who are looking to avoid financial stress, minimize debt, or save for that reading break vacation
September 18, 2014 | Student Success
The President’s Grant was awarded to three outstanding student applicants in its first year, impacting communities in Uganda, Nepal and Burkina Faso
September 18, 2014 | Student Success
Brandon McNally spent three months in Nepal working for a non-government organization
September 18, 2014 | Student Success
Five nursing students worked alongside nurses and doctors at Mulago Hospital for their final preceptorship
August 12, 2014 | Student Success
They didn’t get a meeting with Bill Gates, but what Team claVision did bring away from the Microsoft Imagine Cup competition may prove to be much more valuable