A true in-person experience awaits University of Lethbridge students this fall, promising the on-campus student experience for which ULethbridge is renowned. It’s also what students have been seeking for more than two years.

Campus begins populating this weekend as students and their families start the process of moving into residence. Residences will welcome just under 1,000 students this fall and are at 96 per cent capacity. As well, all social spaces will be open, giving residents the opportunity to create the social connections that are so important for post-secondary success.
Kathleen Massey, ULethbridge’s associate vice-president (students), says the full return of students brings an energy to campus that can’t be rivalled.
“Our students breathe so much life into our community and we’re thrilled to have them back this fall,” she says. “They are at such an exciting moment in their lives, and you can see it in everything they do, from their studies to their social lives. They are discovering their independence, their own voice and their own path and our faculty and staff take great pleasure in helping them find their way.”
There’s much happening over the next 10 days for ULethbridge students.
Residence Move-in
September 4 (first-year students) & September 5 (continuing students)
Students and their families will be hauling boxes and all the comforts of home into campus residence buildings.
September 6
Starting university means big changes and lots of questions! NSO is a great way to learn about important student services, help students understand who to ask for supports both in their courses and out, and teach them about the academic expectations of being a first-year student.
“New Student Orientation has a very different feel this year than it has in years previous,” says Asheley Cowie, coordinator orientation and transition, Student Engagement. “Knowing more about the students we are welcoming this fall and based on student feedback, we built a program that focuses on supporting the unique student experience for each student. We’ve moved away from a conference-style, general information NSO and created a program that will support this student audience in making connections with fellow students, with their program, their faculty, and the campus.”
NSO Schedule
9 a.m. — 1st Choice Savings Centre Gym — Welcome: Dr. Erasmus Okine, VP Academic, Kathleen Massey, AVP Students, Kairvee Bhatt, ULSU President, Asheley Cowie
9:30 a.m. — 1st Choice Savings Centre Gym — Your 1st Year Experience: A session led by Jennifer Ellis Toddington and Brendan Cummins
10 a.m. — Across Campus — Plan for the Day and Meet your Student Leader
10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. — 1st Choice Savings Centre Foyer — Student Group Booth Fair: LPIRG, UVolunteer, Lethbridge Family Services, Fresh Fest, SAAG, Campus Food for Thought and SWAP
11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. — W650 — Iikaisskini Gathering Centre Tour
11 a.m. to 12 p.m. — Across Campus — Faculty Meet and Greet OR Campus Tours
12 to 1 p.m. — Lunch
1 to 3 p.m. — Across Campus — Faculty Meet and Greet OR Campus Tours
3 to 7 p.m. — University Hall Atrium — Graduate Student Orientation