An indefatigable volunteer and community leader, Chaplain Erin Phillips is the 2016 recipient of the University of Lethbridge Volunteer Award.
Noted for fostering a sense of belonging and connection both at the University and in the community at large, Phillips is the chaplain for Ecumenical Campus Ministry at both the U of L and Lethbridge College and the incumbent priest at the Anglican Church of the Ascension in Coaldale.

On any given day, she may officiate at a wedding or a funeral, visit someone in hospital, provide counselling and spiritual support, or write and deliver sermons. She actively seeks resources from community members to support students at the University and, in turn, inspires U of L students and staff to support the community.
For the past 14 years, Phillips has organized the Campus Care Parcel project, which distributes more than 300 bags of groceries donated by community churches to hungry students twice a year at a time when students are most likely to be low on funds and food. She is also co-chair of a study on student poverty in conjunction with Vibrant Lethbridge.
Last fall, Phillips arranged a welcome dinner for international students featuring Canadian fare and even sourced buffalo meat for the occasion.
Phillips completed a master’s degree from Wilfrid Laurier University and five years of doctoral work at McMaster University. She has taught classes in sociology, history and religion at the U of L and was instrumental in developing a liberal education course about genocide. She has delivered public talks at the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs and at the Cade Community Lecture Series.
Erin Phillips remains a passionate advocate and resource for students, and plays a key role in spiritual wellness at the University and our community at large.