UPDATE: Goal achieved! Thanks to the generosity of the community, the goal of reaching 1,000 student breakfasts has been realized. As a result, the donation window will close at midnight, Nov. 29, 2022, with all funds raised over the goal amount donated to the Students' Union Food Bank.
The University of Lethbridge community is coming together in support of student food security by kicking off the Buy A Student A Breakfast (BASAB) initiative today — Giving Tuesday. Every dollar donated will be matched by the University to provide up to 500 breakfasts for a total of 1,000 student breakfasts, which will be distributed during the first week of final exams in December. Any funds raised in excess of the goal will be donated to the Students’ Union Food Bank.

“Exam time is especially stressful for students, and many are facing food security issues. This initiative comes at a really important time,” says Kathleen Massey, ULethbridge vice-provost, students. “A campaign such as this is a great opportunity for our community and the community at large to show our students through a small gesture that they matter and we’re behind them.”
A 2017 study found that one in four ULethbridge students admitted to having run out of food without having the resources to buy more. Buy A Student A Breakfast allows community members to make a tangible impact on a student’s life for minimal investment. For one $24 gift, matched by the University, eight students will receive coupons redeemable for one breakfast sandwich and one coffee or tea at the University’s Tim Hortons or Urban Café (Lethbridge campus) and at Tim Hortons Calgary for the University’s Calgary campus students.
The BASAB campaign begins today and continues through Thursday, December 8, 2022 (see update above). Coupons will then be distributed by the Student Affairs team throughout the first week of the final exam period, Dec. 12-16.
The University has been running the BASAB program since 2018 and has fed thousands of students over the years.
“We’ve received so much support from our alumni, our campus community and community partners and the students have always been so appreciative of the gesture,” adds Massey. “I think a lot of donors were looking for a way to connect with and support students that was immediate and would show them just how valued they are at the University and in our community.”
To give to the Buy A Student A Breakfast campaign, visit encompass.ulethbridge.ca/GivingTuesday2022.