Thursday, Feb 13, 2025 | 6-8 p.m.
BMO Auditorium | Science Commons
Attend an on-campus screening of BrainStorm, a documentary produced by Bailey and Soda Films about the University of Lethbridge neuroscientists who revolutionized our understanding of the brain, developed strategies for brain disorders and established programs to improve brain health.
Following the screening there will be a Q&A panel with neuroscientists Dr. Ian Whishaw (DSc '08), Dr. Bryan Kolb (DSc '15). Dr. Robert Sutherland, Dr Robbin Gibb (BASc (BSc) '77, MSc '01, PhD '04), and filmmakers Dr. Jenna Bailey and Bryn Hewko (MFA '16).
This film was produced with the support of TELUS STORYHIVE. The film was directed by Dr. Jenna Bailey (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of History and Religion) co-produced by Dr. Edgar Bermudez Contreras (Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Neuroscience) and edited by Bryn Hewko (Assistant Professor, Department of New Media).
REGISTER ON-LINE HERE: http://encompass.ulethbridge.ca/BrainStorm
this is a free event
Karin Champion | karin.champion@uleth.ca | (403) 329-2307 | encompass.ulethbridge.ca/BrainStorm