Cynthia Fonderson | Biochemistry



“Be proactive. There are so many opportunities waiting for you at the U of L, so talk to your professors, teacher assistants and classmates. They usually have valuable insights or will direct you to people who do. Be open to new ideas and take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way, even if it was not part of your original plan. You learn new things and expand your horizons this way.”

Favourite Class: Bioenergetics and Metabolism and iGEM with HJ
Favourite Social Activity: The Annual Culture Show by ULACSA
Favourite Study Spot: Library or study rooms, depends on the day

What makes my uLethbridge experience unique?

  • Teaching girls coding with Destination Exploration

  • Having the opportunity to work in the Wetmore lab during my undergraduate degree

  • Having the opportunity to merge my love for computational and experimental biochemistry during my Honor’s Thesis

  • Being a part of the University of Lethbridge African Caribbean Students Association

  • Friends I made throughout my undergrad