Recent Community Videos

Recent Community Videos

The kickoff to the U of L's 50th anniversary celebrations was attended by many former staff and faculty members, as well as countless alumni. Several of them stopped to share their favourite memories of the U of L.

On January 13 and 14, 2017, the University of Lethbridge community came together to kick-off our 50th anniversary celebrations. Here's some of the fun we had at Founders' Day Weekend!

The University of Lethbridge is excited to come together to celebrate all it has accomplished over the past 50 years, and, with a keen eye on the future, has established the Shine On: U of L 50th Anniversary Fund as a means to help the students of today become the leaders of tomorrow.

Take a tour of the Destination Project from a very unique perspective!

Friday evening saw alumni come from far and wide to celebrate in the achievements of a few special people in the alumni community. The Alumni Association presented it's inductees of the Alumni Honour Society with their certificates of recognition including the Honourable Mr.

The Destination Project uses innovative tools and technology to decrease costs and increase efficiency. We sat down PCL Construction Management and University project staff to find out how one initiative is making the construction process more sustainable.

An increased and accelerated investment of $125 million in Budget 2016 has allowed the University of Lethbridge to begin construction immediately on the Destination Project.

The Destination Project – a new science and academic building – will shape the future of the University of Lethbridge and southern Alberta.

Learn more:

Acupuncturist and traditional Chinese medicine practitioner Dr. Wendy Takeda has established an award that will be given annually to two graduate-level students in health sciences at the U of L.

The award will be known as the Elements Physical Therapy & Acupuncture Award.
