The University of Lethbridge Students' Union (ULSU), an organization mandated to aid students and governed by students, offers a long list of excellent services to the student population throughout the year; but few are as valuable as the ULSU Food Bank.
Formally introduced by the ULSU General Assembly in 2004, the ULSU Food Bank has been growing with every new academic year. Last year, the Food Bank provided over 140 food hampers, both single and family, and saw a consistent increase in new students utilizing the services from the previous year.
The food hampers are designed to assist a student or a family for a period of five to seven days and each contains various healthy food choices. Students are eligible to utilize the Food Bank's services twice a month up to a maximum of ten times throughout their entire academic career.
The Food Bank is a donation driven service and the ULSU hosts numerous fundraising events every year to ensure that the shelves remain stocked and the hampers are plentiful. This year's fundraising efforts kicked off in September with a Car Wash and BBQ held at the University Drive Alliance Church (UDAC).
"With the help of UDAC, the General Assembly, our friends at CKXU, community members and volunteers, the ULSU raised $350 to stock the Food Bank shelves," says VP Operations & Finance Leyland Bradley.
The last week of October brought on the second fundraiser of the year, the Trick or Eat Food Drive. Trick or Eat pits campus clubs against one another in a friendly competition to see which of them can raise the most donations, both edible and monetary, through an extensive community canvassing campaign.
At a time when rising education costs and living expenses are scrutinized and discussed at every societal level, and students are feeling the financial pinch more than ever before; now is the time to champion services that facilitate the post-secondary experience.
The ULSU Food Bank is an invaluable service to many University of Lethbridge students that is only made possible by the generous donations from the Lethbridge and area community, the University of Lethbridge community and countless individual donors and volunteers.
If you are a student who requires assistance or you wish to donate to the ULSU Food Bank, do not hesitate to visit, our offices in SU180 or call 403-329-2222 for more information.
This story first appeared in the November issue of the Legend. For a look at the Legend in a flipbook format, follow this link.