
Amnesty is time to come clean

It must be difficult, walking the halls of the University of Lethbridge with a bounty on your head.

You know who you are. Every evening you return home to see them sitting there on the shelf, staring at you, mocking you. Once, you held them hostage, but now, the tables have turned and the price for taking them home is the debt that weighs on your conscience. They are overdue library books and they need to come home.

The University of Lethbridge Library is there to help and from Mar. 15-21, Library Amnesty Week will allow those who have overdue library items to bring them back to the library for the price of a non-perishable food item. For every $5 in library fines, one non-perishable food item, to be presented to the U of L Students' Union Food Bank, will be accepted.

The amnesty period, which debuted in November 2007 and produced an impressive 10 boxes of donated food, is only in effect Mar. 15-21 during regular library hours of operation. Overdue material must be returned in good condition to the library and users must pay the entire balance of outstanding charges through the program. Exceptions to the amnesty are those fines for outstanding replacement charges for long overdue items, as well as lost or damaged items.

This is an opportunity to wipe the slate clean, to return library items to their rightful home and help out the ULSU Food Bank at the same time. Those without library fines are also encouraged to stop by and donate a non-perishable food item to help the food bank.