Proof of vaccination required to access Horns Recreation facilities & programs starting September 20, 2021

This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.

In response to the Government of Alberta's announcement of restrictions, we're implementing some changes to our operations and programs in compliance with the Restrictions Exemption Program.

Additional COVID-19 Screening Measures 

Starting Monday, September 20, 2021, proof of vaccination or a negative rapid test (taken in the past 72 hours) will be required for any individuals and spectators above the age of 12 who want to access our facilities or programs. Those under age 12 would not need to provide proof of immunization or a negative test to enter our facilities. These COVID-19 Screening Measures also apply to parents and spectators accompanying an individual to a Horns Recreation program, as well as Horns Recreation user groups including schools and community organizations. For specific details, visit the Restrictions Exemption Program page.   

Proof of vaccination can be shown via a QR code through the uLethbridge Safe App (for uLethbridge students, staff and faculty) or the Alberta MyHealth app (for community members). For those individuals unable to access a digital copy of their vaccination, paper copies of vaccination records will also be accepted. 

Community members can access copies of their COVID-19 vaccination through the Alberta MyHealth Records portal where a printable card will be available starting Sunday, September 19.   

Individuals providing proof of a negative rapid test taken within the past 72 hours are exempt from requiring proof of vaccination.   

Masking & Physical Distancing 

Wearing a mask is required anywhere that 2 metres of physical distance cannot be guaranteed. This means a mask is mandatory in hallways and common areas, except when you're engaging in physical activity. Once your physical activity is completed, masking is once again required. 

Physical Distancing of 2 metres is required to be maintained at all times.   

Membership & Program Options 

If these restrictions impact your ability to access our facilities or participate in programs, please contact the Customer Service Centre at 403-329-2706 to discuss your options. 


Customer Service Centre | | 403-329-2706 |