Open Call for Proposals to the Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI)

This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.

The Vice-President Research invites expressions of interest (EOI) for CFI John R. Evans Leaders Fund (CFI-JELF) funding from our institutional envelope.

ULethbridge is currently amid a three-year funding envelope, which concludes in December 2025. After prioritizing our Canada Research Chair nominations, ULethbridge has residual CFI-JELF funds that can be allocated to other strategic institutional initiatives. As such, the VPR is soliciting requests for a portion of the University's envelope within the CFI-JELF program.

This call will consider proposals for submission of unaffiliated JELF applications to CFI in June 2025 or October 2025. We estimate that ~$170,000 of our envelope could be distributed in this call, but the final amount may differ, depending on the quality and readiness of the proposals.

For more information and application instructions, please consult the ORIS website.  

All disciplines across the institution are eligible and encouraged to apply.


Penny Pickles | | (403) 380-1801