EndNote Part 1: Basics Workshop

This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.

EndNote is citation management software which can help you manage, organize and use your research literature. It integrates with Microsoft Word (and selected other word processing software) so that you can "cite-while-you-write" using your choice of citation styles. EndNote is available for both Windows and Mac computers. We will be using the latest version in the Windows/PC environment with Microsoft Word.

Anyone wishing to use EndNote on their own laptop during training sessions should have the software already installed. To download EndNote, click here.

The Basics workshop covers:

  • An introduction to key features and components of EndNote
  • How to build a library of citations

Click here to register for EndNote Basics.

For additional EndNote learning opportunities, click here.


Dr. Rumi Graham | endnote.library@uleth.ca | library.ulethbridge.ca/EndNote