Ahead of the Herd 2024

Ahead of the Herd (AOTH) is geared towards students who are starting their studies at uLethbridge in the Fall. AOTH is an opportunity to meet faculty, staff, and current students who have experienced the same excitement and nervousness of starting a post-secondary journey. Students and their family can come to campus, meet other new students and family members, hear from ULethbridge staff and students about the great opportunities and resources on campus and have fun!

Room or Area: 
Main Gym

For more information, please visit https://www.ulethbridge.ca/future-student/ahead-herd-aoth.

To confirm tickets for students and family, please register here https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/ahead-of-the-herd-aoth-2024-tickets-85311286...


Natasha Reners | natasha.reners@uleth.ca | (403) 317-2811