Naltrexone-Imaging study: Treatment, Control Arm, and EEG Follow-up

Naltrexone-Imaging study: Treatment, Control Arm, and EEG Follow-up

Investigators: Dr. Darren R. Christensen (University of Lethbridge), Dr. David Hodgins, (University of Calgary), Dr. Bradley Goodyear (University of Calgary), Dr. Ron Lim (University of Calgary, Alberta Health Services), Dr. David Crockford (Alberta Health Services), and Susan McLean (Alberta Health Services), Dr. Hugh Colohan (Alberta Health Services), Dr. Tim Ayas (Alberta Health Services), and Dr. Catherine Laskowski (University of Lethbridge).

Who we are looking for? We are looking for people who are regular gamblers to participate in a research study. This study investigates the effects of taking a drug used to treat alcohol dependence to treat disordered gambling. If selected, you will be in the control group and will not receive any medication. Participants will also have brain scans at the beginning and end of the study.

Participants will be asked to complete a range of assessments. Compensation is provided for completing these assessments.

What will I be asked to do? You will complete a range of assessments and take a brain scan. The brain scan will occur at the Foothills hospital. Over the course of 12 weeks, we will contact you weekly to assess your gambling urges. At the end of the 12 weeks, you will complete the same set of assessments as you did at the beginning of the study including the brain scan. Lastly, after three months you will be asked to come back for a final brain EEG recording.

This study has been approved by the University of Alberta’s Conjoint Health Research Ethics Board (Study ID: Pro00142502). Participation is confidential.

If you are interested, please contact: Dr. Catherine Laskowski at 403-317-5070 at the University of Lethbridge.