Pandemic underlines need to revamp academic system that disadvantages parenting researchers and women Three U of L researchers examine the pressure parents face while trying to juggle pushing scientific boundaries and child strollers at the same time
Partnership gives U of L student one-of-a-kind learning opportunity Amy Henrickson spent 10 days training in a Caltech lab thanks to the U of L's partnership with Applied Pharmaceutical Innovation
Foreign study placement leads to post-doc at Princeton A semester-long foreign study led to a post-doctoral fellowship at Princeton
iGEM teams continue to work on their projects despite no lab access U of L iGEM teams have found creative ways to keep working on their projects during pandemic restrictions
Research paper examines novel approaches to addressing antibiotic-resistant pathogens ARRTI group addressing the worldwide antibiotic crisis
Ethics of gene editing the focus of ARRTI Speaker Series free public presentation The ethics of gene editing is a particular concern for members of ARRTI since the most powerful techniques currently available are based on RNA technologies
University of Lethbridge iGEM team earns gold for project that designs oral insulin delivery system Algulin is the development of a novel method for the manufacturing and oral delivery of insulin to diabetics
iGEM culture the real driver of student success Team members and advisors say the results they achieve are far less a focus than what is learned throughout the iGEM experience
U of L students form first international chapter of the Biophysical Society New chapter, the first in Western Canada, unites students from the University of Montana and the U of L
Giving back builds family legacy Alumnus Russel Orcutt (BSc '94) donated to the U of L as a way to give back to both the University and his parents