Academic Advisor

A University of Lethbridge employee who provides advice to students regarding their program, major or other academic concerns at the University of Lethbridge.

Academic Medals

Awarded to mark the achievements of the University’s top students. The University’s Faculties and Schools award gold medals at Spring Convocation to the top undergraduate students in Arts, Science, Education, Management, Fine Arts and Health Sciences. An additional undergraduate gold medal (the William Aberhart Medal) is awarded by the Alberta Teachers’ Association. In the School of Graduate Studies, medals of merit are awarded to the most distinguished students graduating with a master’s degree. The overall top undergraduate and graduate students in the institution receive, respectively, the silver and gold medals of the Governor General of Canada.

Academic Objective

Students planning to transfer to another post-secondary institution to complete a professional program declare an academic objective, which is their intended program of study at the transfer institution (see Faculty of Arts and Science, Pre-Professional Transfer Program in Engineering and Professional Transfer Programs).

Academic Schedule

The University’s schedule of dates and deadlines. These dates are legislated by General Faculties Council (GFC) (see Academic Schedule).


Refers to a validated quality assurance process for post-secondary institutions. During an accreditation process, competent authorities confirm that an institution or a program meets the appropriate standards of education. In Canada, the provincial and territorial governments regulate post-secondary education, and each jurisdiction has its own quality assurance mechanism. As such, a national accreditation body does not exist. The accreditation process varies depending upon jurisdictional mandate, as well as the discipline, level, and credential type of a program. With respect to program accreditation, an external agency or professional regulatory body may conduct the investigation, and accredit the program.


Period of time at the beginning of each term and session when students may register in (add) courses. For more information, see Registration, Course Registration, and Fees, Cancellations, Refunds and Withdrawals. For Add/Drop deadlines, see the Academic Schedule. See also Extended Drop Deadline.

Alberta Council on Admissions and Transfer (ACAT)

An independent body consisting of representatives from the public, students, universities, public colleges, technical institutions, Alberta Vocational Colleges, private colleges and Alberta Education. The Council is responsible for developing policies, guidelines and procedures designed to facilitate course and program transfer arrangements among post-secondary institutions in Alberta. The basic objective of the Council is the development of educational opportunities for students.


Individuals who have had a degree conferred on them by the University of Lethbridge. Associate alumni are those who have completed 10 or more courses toward a University of Lethbridge degree.

Alum of the Year Award

Awarded by the University of Lethbridge Alumni Association to recognize individuals who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement or have gained an international reputation in their chosen field.

Applied Studies

An opportunity for students to gain course credit for volunteer or employment experience. See the Career Bridge for specific information (AH151; tel. 403-329-2000), or Applied Studies and Co-operative Education, Applied Studies.

Audit Student

A student who has been granted permission by an instructor to attend lectures in a course with the understanding that the student may not submit assignments, sit for examinations or participate in class discussions (except by invitation of the instructor). The course appears on the official academic transcript with a non-grade AU designation (see Registration, Audit a Course).