This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.
Fridays, 2 to 3 p.m.
WE 2034 and online
Oct. 13 - Sam Woodman & Laura Logozzo, Postdoctoral Fellows, U of L
Hands-on Workshop: Publication-Ready Figures using R ggplot2
Oct. 20 - Italo Rodrigues, Doctoral Student, U of L
Multi-Decadal Wetland Landcover Trends and Forecasts for the Upper
Columbia River Floodplain, BC
Oct. 27 - Speaker TBD
Title TBD
Nov. 3 - Laura Logozzo, Postdoctoral Fellow, U of L
Dissolved organic matter dynamics in a large temperate river
Nov. 10 - Peter Swain, Regional Director, Ministry of Forestry and Parks, Alberta
Title TBD
Nov. 24 - Mariya Denny & Kasuni Palle Rankoth Gedara, Graduate Students, U of L
Titles TBD
Dec. 1 - Sam Woodman, Postdoctoral Fellow, U of L
From land to water: the impacts of forest disturbances on carbon cycling
in northern catchments
Dec. 8 - Speaker TBD
Title TBD
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Carlee McElhaw | | 403-329-2225