This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.
The Multi Faith Room is provided for use by the individual members of the University community (those possessing a valid University ID card) for reasons associated with faith, meditation, or to spend time in quiet reflection. It is accommodating of all beliefs and religious affiliations.
It is not intended for group services, prayer groups, meetings, or general socialisation. The Room is only available for individual, drop-in use and not for booking.
The University reserves the right to refuse access to a person or persons for inappropriate behaviour or breaching University policies and procedures.
Conditions of Use
The Multi Faith Room exists to serve the religious and spiritual needs of all within the University community. In order to facilitate this, whilst in the Room, all users are expected to exercise respect and tolerance for the integrity of each other’s beliefs, cultures, and traditions. This means:
- Respecting other people’s freedom within the law to express their beliefs and convictions in worship and prayer;
- Not misrepresenting or disparaging other people’s beliefs and practices;
- Not actively seeking to persuade others to join their faith; and,
- Not seeking to direct others on how to exercise their faith.
In general, users of the Room should be quiet and maintain an atmosphere of respect.
Other conditions of use of the Multi Faith Room are as follows:
- The Room should be kept clean and tidy at all times. Stack chairs and return them to their original location when finished using the Room. No other items may be left in the Room.
- Eating and drinking is not allowed in the Room.
- The use of fire, including lit candles or incense, is not permitted in the Room.
- Attaching posters, flyers, notices and other items to surfaces (painted and glass) is not allowed.
- Cell phones, computers, and other electronic devices should be silent and not in use.
- Using the Multi Faith Room for sleeping is not permissible.
Open cubbies are available within the Room for the temporary storage of small items while individuals are using the Room.
If you have any questions, please contact
Nicole Hillary | | (403) 329-2465