This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.
On Thursday, March 7, the Alberta government released the 2013/2014 budget for the Province of Alberta.
As has been reported, this budget features a significant funding adjustment for the entire post-secondary sector and for our institution.
Senior Administration has had an initial discussion with the Deputy Minister and were informed that the Campus Alberta Operating Grant for the University of Lethbridge will be reduced by 7.3% in 2013/2014.
What this budget reduction means to the University will become clearer in the coming days as we learn more details from the Ministry of Enterprise and Advanced Education.
While this obviously poses a challenge for the University and perhaps represents a new reality for the post secondary sector in our province, we have been working through a variety of budget scenarios in recent weeks.
As well, our record of prudent financial planning and management has served the University well in the past and will continue to do so into the future.
Most importantly, our ability to work through this difficult budget will be based on our collective efforts, and imagination.
I will continue to communicate with the University community as details become clearer on the budget and on the development of the University budget.
Robert Cooney |