Darwin Day Poster/Video Contest

This notice is from the archives of The Notice Board. Information contained in this notice was accurate at the time of publication but may no longer be so.

Submit your creative ideas for the Darwin Day poster and video contest!

February 12 is the anniversary of the birth of Charles Darwin (1809-1882). Darwin is considered by many to be the most influential scientist in history, because he had a simple idea that changed the way we understand the past, present and future of life on Earth.

His observations of nature during a voyage on the survey ship HMS Beagle, followed by years of experiment and thought after returning to England, resulted in publication of his view of life (presented jointly with independent discoverer Alfred Russel Wallace), which set the stage for remarkable discoveries in biology, ecology, anthropology, medicine, psychology and critical thinking. Darwin was also part of the historical age of discovery of biodiversity around the Earth, recorded by hundreds of artists from specimens collected during voyages.

Posters and videos will be used to make students and members of the public aware of Darwin Day and subsequent campus celebrations.

These competitions are open to ALL ULethbridge students. Deadline for submission: Feb. 3, 2025.

(a) Poster submission: The winning posters will be printed and used to advertise Darwin Day and related events. The image file should be sufficient quality to print a larger poster (24” by 36”, or 24” X 32”), to be displayed on Darwin Day (Feb. 12) and posted on X (Twitter). The creators of the winning posters must agree to free and unlimited use of the poster to advertise the event, be reproduced and subsequently be displayed to promote education and public awareness of Darwin and natural science. Posters include the name of the artist and the contact email (dan.johnson@uleth.ca) for the event.

(b) Video submission: A video, short in length, concerning some aspect of Darwin or Darwin Day. The video will be used to advertise Darwin Day, but will also be displayed after the event (websites, including Youtube, and in talks). The creators of the winning videos must agree to free and unlimited use of the video to advertise the event, be reproduced and subsequently be displayed to promote education and public awareness of Darwin and natural science. Creators will be given credit.

Final versions for display must also include event date, location, artist’s name (unless anonymous), and event contact information (dan.johnson@uleth.ca).

The top submissions for both contests will each recieve a $200 prize, and second-place winners will recieve $150 each.

Submit posters to Prof. Dan Johnson (Dept of Geography) at dan.johnson@uleth.ca. Posters and videos must include details of the advertised event, the artist’s name and event contact email. A few examples of previous winning posters are shown in the attached document.



Dan Johnson | dan.johnson@uleth.ca

Attached Files: