University of Lethbridge Progress Pride Flag Raising

The University of Lethbridge is at its best when it can show off its campus culture and the supportive, connected and welcoming community that helps students, faculty and staff thrive in their roles.

This year’s theme — Embrace Empathy: Foster Understanding — is focused on building understanding through empathy by creating accountable spaces for conversation. For this year during Pride Month, the University of Lethbridge will continue its work to build safe and inclusive spaces where we can celebrate and honour the many voices of our 2SLGBTQ+ students, staff and faculty.

Pride month is a celebration of the diversity of the 2SLGBTQ+ communities, an acknowledgement of 2SLGBTQ+ history, and a continued recognition of the achievements of queer and trans individuals and groups. Take some time to check out the Pride Month web page and the many activities taking place this month.

Please join us at the SU bus loop on Tuesday, June 18 at 11 a.m. to raise the Progress Pride Flag together.

There will be a community BBQ following the event.

Room or Area: 
SU Bus Loop


Nando Ortega Arango | |