Transdisciplinary Perspectives on Death, Dying & Grief: Opening Panel

This event is from the archives of The Notice Board. The event has already taken place and the information contained in this post may no longer be relevant or accurate.

Bringing together a multitude of insights and perspectives on death, dying and grief feels all the more urgent in this time of Covid-19.

We have invited researchers, artists, and educators to discuss various topics including Blackfoot perspectives on death and dying, the queer materiality of death, how animals grieve, ecological approaches to death and dying, and death in popular culture & performance.

This is the first event for the Women Scholars' Speaker Series 2021-2022 season

Panellists and topics include:

  • Rebecca Many Grey Horses: "Taking the Wolf Trail to the Ancestors”
  • Dr. Jennifer Otto: “Caring for the Sick and Commemorating the Dead with Christians Past and Present”
  • Mia van Leeuwen: “How to Raise a Ghost: Memento Mori as Contemporary Praxis”

Moderated by Dr. Suzanne Lenon

Link to webinar; no registration is required.

Room or Area: 


Jaime Johnson |