External competitions

Seeking case competitions outside of the university for growth and development are an excellent way for students to practice and develop key skills necessary in the business world, as well as opportunities to network with other students and industry professionals.

The following is a list of case competitions that are available to students. This list does not include every opportunity that exists, and as a result students are encouraged to proactively seek out opportunities on their own as well.

If more than one team is interested in competing at an external case competition, a qualifier competition is held to determine which team will attend on behalf of the Dhillon School of Business. If your team is chosen as the winning team, you'll be given a coach, and will be eligible to apply for Student Professional Development competition funding to cover your costs.


Alberta Energy Challenge

ASBAA (Asper School of Business Accounting Association)

Canada's Next Top Ad Exec

CFA Institute

Chinook Entrepreneur Challenge

HRC West

IFAMA (International Food and Agribusiness Management Association)

NIBC (National Investment Banking Competition and Conference)

Rocky Mountain Business Seminar

SCMA (Supply Chain Management Association)

World Mining Competition