

In the spirit of collaboration, support, and nurturing a vibrant research community, our faculty and graduate students meet regularly over lunch to share and discuss:

• current research projects

• innovative teaching practices within the Faculty of Education

At these events, a guest presenter, faculty member, or graduate student volunteers to lead a session that highlights some area of research or teaching. These sessions are open and informal and designed to stimulate discussion, inquiry, and collegiality.

Dr. Kevin Wood

Learning Leadership

Sylvie de Grandpre

From poster to practice: An eco-portrait of an integrated outdoor education program in southeastern British Columbia

Dr. Dawn Burleigh with Graduate Assistants Courtney Seefeldt and Victoria Silver

The Indigenous Integration Pilot Project: Lessons Learned and Next Steps

Dr. Doug Checkley

Learning With Refugee Students

Dr. Sharon Pelech & Dr. Darron Kelly

From Port to Prairie: Place Conscious Pedagogy and Student Agency

Aaron Stout

How should history be taught during precarious times? Investing in diverse narratives in history education

Dr. David Slomp

Finding Success in Publishing your Research: A Journal Editor's Perspective

Dr. David Slomp

Designing Digital Modules for Teaching and Assessing Workplace Communication: Principles, Methods, and Challenges

Dr. Danny Balderson, Aaron Stout, Dr. Greg Ogilvie, Dr. Dawn Burleigh, Dr. Elaine Greidanus and Darcy Tamayose

Faculty of Education Wellness Initiative: What is Happening and Future Opportunities

Dr. Thelma Gunn

From Start to Finish; How Do Our Students Perceive Their Pre-service Experiences in the Faculty of Education: Professional Semester Survey Data (2011-2019)

Dr. Noella Piquette

Questions and Collaboration: research in early literacy, executive function, and community engagement

Dr. Jeffrey MacCormack and Beth Cormier

V - ARE U Ready?

Dr. Marlo Steed, Dr. Dawn Burleigh, Dr. Sharon Pelech and Dr. David Slomp

Virtual Classroom Project

Dr. Amy von Heyking, Jenna Lowe and Josh Markle

"The Education of Augie Merasty": Participating in the ULeth Common Book Project

Dr. John Poulsen

Lessons Learned from Shakespeare

Dr. Lance Grigg, Dr. Jeffrey MacCormack, Josh Markle and Riley Kostek

Chess for Life: What's Chess got to do with it?

Dr. Jeffrey MacCormack

Becoming Word Detectives: Using Morphology and Etymology to Learn to Spell

Dr. Dawn Burleigh and Dr. Greg Ogilvie

The Super Souper on Supervision Practices

Jana Boschee, Dr. Cynthia Chambers, Dr. Dwayne Donald, Hali Heavy Shield, Dr. Erika Hasebe-Ludt, Darlene St. Georges

Spirit of Métissage: Attentive Curricular Offerings

Dr. Hector MacIntyre

Faculty of Education Emerging Scholars: Insight Development Grant Overview

Dr. Lorraine Beaudin

Gamification and Digital Badges in Education

Dr. Marlo Steed

Practicum Research on Steroids

Dr. Brian Titley

Indigenous Peoples in Canada: History, Structures, and Education

Dr. Brian Titley

Little Nun Factories: Convent Aspirancies and Recruitment to American Catholic Sisterhoods, 1945-1965

Dr. Dawn McBride

Using Discussion Forums: Making the Process Easier for the Professor

Yayo Umetsubo, Faculty of Education Library Liaison

Using Summon 2.0 as a New Research Tool for Educators

Dr. Marlo Steed

Beam me up Scotty: Technology, Education and Thinking

Kurtis Hewson

The Value of Connectedness for Pre-Service Teachers

Dr. Gladys Sterenberg, with Richelle Marynowski - January 14

Scholarly teaching in mathematics education

Dr. Dawn McBride and Dr. Alyson Worrall - February 4

Reducing student anxieties through assertiveness training workshops: Research outcomes

Dr. Jennifer Thannhauser and Dr. Carmen Mombourquette - February 25

Best practices in blended and online learning

Dr. Daniel Balderson - March 8

The growth and impact of sports academies in Western Canada

Dr. Richelle Marynowski - May 14

Moodle: Rubrics and assessment

Sebastian Siwiec, Graudate Student, U of L - November 2

'Qualtrics' survey software: Uses and application to research

Dr. Sharon Friesen, Associate Dean, Graduate Programs in Education, Director, Galileo Educational Network - November 29

Technology in high school success