
Once you choose your major, you can complement or enhance your degree with one of 40+ uLethbridge minors from "Aboriginal Health" to "Family and Small Business Management".  Minors are accessible to any student in an undergraduate program except combined degrees with Education, Education After Degree programs, or where the minor is directly related to the student’s major. 

A minor is a defined set of six courses, designed to provide depth in a particular discipline, study in an interdisciplinary area, or focus on a theme-related topic. Students may wish to consider declaring a minor for a variety of reasons: to enhance depth of knowledge in a diverse area, to gain exposure to a range of perspectives, to build a foundation for an intended career, to pursue multiple passions, or to broaden talents.

The minors directly related to business are listed below.   For detailed requirements please see the Minors section of the University of Lethbridge Academic Calendar.  To find the right path for you, you can speak with one of our academic advisors to help guide your decision. 

Dhillon School of Business Minors

  • Accounting - understand the basics of preparing and reading financial statements, budgeting, product and service costing and investments
  • Agricultural Enterprise Management - understand and analyze agricultural pricing and marketing and learn how all aspects of agriculture work together and are used by financiers, marketers, and producers. (NOTE: This program is suspended for the Fall 2024 intake)
  • Family and Small Business Management - develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to work in or with family and small-business organizations from start-up, through growth, to the transitional stage of the business.
  • Fintech and Financial Innovation - develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to work in or with emerging technologies that are being incorporated into various aspects of finance and the financial services industry. Areas of application include cryptocurrency, Robo advising, wealth management, banking, insurance, blockchain, trading, etc. .
  • Indigenous Business Management - gain fundamental skills to support indigenous business and entrepreneurship.
  • Indigenous Governance - cultivate an understanding of Indigenous governance models, leadership, and negotiations.
  • International Management - gain competency in decision-making in a global business environment, and expand your worldview by participating in an international exchange.
  • Marketing - learn the essentials of promoting and selling products or services, from consumer behaviour to communications and social media.
  • Supply Chain and Operations Management - learn about tactical and operational decision-making of businesses.

Students may declare a maximum of two minors in a single program. For students who successfully complete the specified requirements, the minor(s) will be acknowledged on the official transcript.