Mount Lefroy

Mount Lefroy

This well known mountain was named by Hector in 1858 after Major General Sir John Henry Lefroy (1817-1890). At this time world scientists were researching the phenomena of the magnetic north. In 1842 a magnetic observatory was set up at Toronto as part of a series of stations established across the British Empire.

Lefroy came from St. Helena to take charge. During the winter of 1843-44 he made an historic journey down the Mckenzie River where he made an important series of magnetic observations. He returned to Toronto were he remained until 1853. Returning to England he became scientific advisor to the war office on artillery and inventions and helped reorganize military education.

Resigning from the army in 1870 he became governor and commander-in-chief of the Burmudas in 1871. On his return to England in 1877 he was knighted and in l880 became governor of Tasmania, returning to England two years later.

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