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May 23, 2008 — Bering Island, Commander Islands / Ariy Kamen Island, Russia

The Commander Islands are named after famed Commander Vitus Bering, a Danish ship captain in the service of Tsar Peter the Great. Bering’s name remains emblazoned in history — the Bering Sea and the Bering Strait are two reminders of his remarkable 18th century exploration.

In the morning we visited Cape Severo-Zapadnyy where Northern Fur Seals and Steller’s Sea Lions haul out on the shores. As we explored we also spotted an Arctic Fox as well as carpets of blooming geraniums, trolious, violets, cinqfoil, saxifrage and spotted orchids. After lunch, by Zodiac, we viewed the spectacular wildlife on tiny Ariy Kamen Island, whose mossy-green landscape provides a habitat for vast numbers of birds, including horned and tufted puffins, crested and parakeet auklets, thick-billed murres, red-legged kittiwakes, and red-faced cormorants. We returned to the ship and sailed for the village of Nikolskoye where we visited the museum and met our island hosts who introduced us to the local culture. Following the presentation I walked up and through the village.

After supper as we approached a deep trench whale watching was our next treat.

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