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November 4, 2005 — Vienna

We awoke again to fog which at least offered an interesting sunrise.

Today we were on our own as some of our fellow travellers were leaving and a new group joining us for our journey into eastern Europe. After breakfast Joan and I headed for Vienna's city centre to see what we could see.

Since we had just bought one of the smart cars that were new to Canada we were always on the lookout for them as we were told they had been a fixture in Europe for years. Vienna had the most we had seen to date, Another form of interesting transportation we spotted was the Segway but I don't think we'll go that far.

By one o'clock we had had enough. It was cold (reminders of Ireland) and we headed back to the ship for an afternoon of rest and relaxation. Fortunately, we had a great view of the Vienna skyline as it evolved over the rest of the day.

That evening, the ship slipped away from Vienna and sailed into Hungary passing Bratislava on the way to Budapest.

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